Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Writing class

My writing class is amazing! Maybe not the class itself so much, but its inspiring me to write again and reviving my confidence in myself as a writer. Its ironic because this is the class I was dreading the most and now its the one I'm most excited about. I think its this in combination with my new roommate, who is an amazing writer, all I want to do is sit in my room, my dogs at my feet, and write anything and everything that comes into my brain, then try to squeeze out more because this sponge in my head needs to get drained.

Yesterday in my writing class two amazing things happened. Number one, my instructor assigned my friend Chelsey's blog for our reading homework! Amazing!

Then our instructor put the following words on the board:

barn dress cow fire red girl pen

and wanted us to use one or more of the words to write a descriptive paragraph revolving around the interaction between two people. The only catch was, like the words above, the paragraph could only contain one-syllable words. We had 5 minutes to do it. This is what I wrote:

The smell of the fire fills my nose and takes me back to the barn in my mind. Ash and smoke sway in the sky in that way that plays with the stars, like they are a band that plays just for me to the beat of my own heart. I turn, my back to the fire and to you. I don't want to see the light dance on your face, the light makes your face soft and you are hard. Its not your fault, I know who you are. You are like the fire, in front of me but just out of reach.

I was really satisfied with what I wrote, especially under the 5 minute time limit. It was fun and it reminded me how much I like writing exercises like this, even though they can seem silly sometimes. Occasionally, they can also be seedlings for something spectacular.

1 comment:

Carrot said...

aw shucks, I'm glad I'm inspiring you ! You're a special snowflake! MAKE DOCUMENT! MAKE DOCUMENT!